[counter num_start=”0″ num_end=”2″ num_suffix=”,016″ num_speed=”500″ num_color=”#272727″ text_below=”Players on NFL Rosters”]
Month: January 2018
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[counter num_start=”0″ num_end=”779″ num_suffix=”” num_speed=”500″ num_color=”#272727″ text_below=”Colleges & Universities Playing Football at All Levels”]
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[counter num_start=”0″ num_end=”16″ num_suffix=”,659″ num_speed=”500″ num_color=”#272727″ text_below=”High Schools in the United States that Sponsor Football”]
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[counter num_start=”0″ num_end=”2″ num_suffix=”.1 million” num_speed=”200″ num_color=”#272727″ text_below=”Youth Football Players in the United States”]

Kiser Earns Campbell Trophy

2018 College Football Hall of Fame Class Announced

Football Matters: An Initiative of the National Football Foundation
A competitive sport, a way of life, a community endeavor, an excuse to hang out with friends: football is many things to many people. However, the underlying message of football is bigger than the game itself. Football offers life lessons, life-changing scholarship opportunities, and a worldwide community bringing together those who play, watch, and love the game.
See Our Announcement